About me

My name is Loïck Piera. I’m a web developer since 2011. I work at JoliCode since 2015 and I really enjoy it (ie. please don’t spam me with job offers).

My daily job mostly consists in building web applications with Symfony and PHP.

I wrote some articles on JoliCode’s blog but I can share here some articles (probably in french) about domotic or biketrip.

From time to time, I share pictures taken with my drone (a DJI Mavic 2 pro) on my instagram account.

Open Source

I’m a big fan of open source and use a lot free software.

Packages I maintain:

Applications I created:


Here is some conferences I gave:

Recent articles

Symfony, reverse proxies and IP protection

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A Slack application to launch a Secret Santa

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Desktop notification in PHP

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